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Hierarchy Transformers (HiTs)

Embedding hierarchies with transformer encoders.

Thrilled to announce that our work has been accepted to NeurIPS 2024!


Main Dependencies

This repository follows a similar layout as the Sentence Transformers library. It mainly depends on the following libraries:

Install from PyPI

# requiring Python>=3.8
pip install hierarchy_transformers

Install from GitHub

pip install git+

Models on Huggingface Hub

Our HiT models are released on the Huggingface Hub.

Get Started

Use the following code to get started with HiTs:

from hierarchy_transformers import HierarchyTransformer
from hierarchy_transformers.utils import get_torch_device

# set up the device (use cpu if no gpu found)
gpu_id = 0
device = get_torch_device(gpu_id)

# load the model
model = HierarchyTransformer.load_pretrained('Hierarchy-Transformers/HiT-MiniLM-L12-WordNet', device)

# entity names to be encoded.
entity_names = ["computer", "personal computer", "fruit", "berry"]

# get the entity embeddings
entity_embeddings = model.encode(entity_names)

Default Probing for Subsumption Prediction

Use the entity embeddings to predict the subsumption relationships between them.

# suppose we want to compare "personal computer" and "computer", "berry" and "fruit"
child_entity_embeddings = model.encode(["personal computer", "berry"], convert_to_tensor=True)
parent_entity_embeddings = model.encode(["computer", "fruit"], convert_to_tensor=True)

# compute the hyperbolic distances and norms of entity embeddings
dists = model.manifold.dist(child_entity_embeddings, parent_entity_embeddings)
child_norms = model.manifold.dist0(child_entity_embeddings)
parent_norms = model.manifold.dist0(parent_entity_embeddings)

# use the empirical function for subsumption prediction proposed in the paper
# `centri_score_weight` and the overall threshold are determined on the validation set
# see source code at `src/hierarchy_transformers/evaluation` for more details about our implementation for the hyperparameter tuning.
subsumption_scores = - (dists + centri_score_weight * (parent_norms - child_norms))


Datasets for training and evaluating HiTs are available at Zenodo, including those constructed from:

  • WordNet
  • FoodOn
  • DOID



Copyright 2023 Yuan He. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


The preprint of our paper for is currently available at arxiv.

Yuan He, Zhangdie Yuan, Jiaoyan Chen, Ian Horrocks. Language Models as Hierarchy Encoders. arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.11374 (2024).

  title={Language Models as Hierarchy Encoders},
  author={He, Yuan and Yuan, Zhangdie and Chen, Jiaoyan and Horrocks, Ian},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.11374},

Last update: October 6, 2024
Created: October 6, 2024
GitHub: @Lawhy   Personal Page: