Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI-2024 Campaign

Bio-ML Track

OAEI 2024::Bio-ML Track

General description

The 2024 edition involves the following ontologies:

Compared to the 2023 edition, we removed the training subsumption mappings that can be used to infer testing subsumption mappings through deductive reasoning.

A complete description is available at the Bio-ML documentation.



Full details about the evaluation framework (global matching and local ranking) and the OAEI participation (result format for each setting in the main Bio-ML track and the Bio-LLM sub-track) are available at the Bio-ML documentation.

We accept direct result submission via this google forms based on trust. We will also release results for systems based on our implementations and for systems submitted via MELT. These three categories will be specified on the result tables.


The Bio-ML track is organised by Yuan He, Pedro Giesteira Cotovio, Lucas Ferraz, Jiaoyan Chen, Hang Dong, Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz, Catia Pesquita and Ian Horrocks.